【ATU Book-i.MX8系列 - ONNX】ONNX 模組資源應用與可視化工具

一.   概述

上篇文章介紹了 ONNX 重頭戲之一的 模組轉換將數種深度學習框架的模組都轉成 .onnx 格式,能夠更有效的應用模組(model) 資源 !! 而本篇所介紹的方向正好相反,是從 ONNX 官方網站取得豐富的模組資源(.onnx) 來應用。即利用該 模型(.onnx) 轉成想要的模組格式( .tflite / .caffe / .h5 ),比方說 ONNX 轉成 TensorFlow, 亦或是 ONNX 轉成 Caffe ,使得更靈活地對不同格式的模組進行交換 !!  而此篇章的最後,還會推薦一套檢視模組架構的軟體套件 !! 能夠給予開發者檢視上極大的便利 !! 如下圖所示,為系列博文之示意架構圖。此架構圖隸屬於 i.MX8M Plus 的方案博文中,並屬於機器學習內的推理引擎(Inference Engine) 的 ONNX 部分,目前章節介紹 “ONNX 模組資源應用與可視化工具” !!

若欲理解與架設 Tensorflow 框架,請參考另一個博文系列

 大大通精彩博文    AI 即將來臨 !! 利用 Tensorflow 與 i.MX8 邁入新領域 

 大大通精彩博文   【 ATU Book-i.MX8系列】博文索引



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二.  ONNX 模型資源

除了將各種深度學習框架轉換為 ONNX 格式之外…

官方亦有提供一系列優化過的標準模型,讓初學開發者更快進行應用。下列提供三種較常見的模組類別,詳細請參照… (如下各小節所示) 

官方資源 Model Zoo : https://github.com/onnx/models

(1) 影像分類 Image Classification




Light-weight deep neural network best suited for mobile and embedded vision applications.
Top-5 error from paper - ~10%


A CNN model (up to 152 layers). Uses shortcut connections to achieve higher accuracy when classifying images.
Top-5 error from paper - ~3.6%


A light-weight CNN model providing AlexNet level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters.
Top-5 error from paper - ~20%


Deep CNN model(up to 19 layers). Similar to AlexNet but uses multiple smaller kernel-sized filters that provides more accuracy when classifying images.
Top-5 error from paper - ~8%


A Deep CNN model (up to 8 layers) where the input is an image and the output is a vector of 1000 numbers.
Top-5 error from paper - ~15%


Deep CNN model (up to 22 layers). Comparatively smaller and faster than VGG and more accurate in detailing than AlexNet.
Top-5 error from paper - ~6.7%


Deep CNN variation of AlexNet for Image Classification in Caffe where the max pooling precedes the local response normalization (LRN) so that the LRN takes less compute and memory.


Pure Caffe implementation of R-CNN for image classification. This model uses localization of regions to classify and extract features from images.


Model that has every layer connected to every other layer and passes on its own feature providing strong gradient flow and more diversified features.


This model is same as GoogLeNet, implemented through Caffe2 that has improved utilization of the computing resources inside the network and helps with the vanishing gradient problem.
Top-5 error from paper - ~6.7%


Deep CNN model for Image Classification as an adaptation to Inception v1 with batch normalization. This model has reduced computational cost and improved image resolution compared to Inception v1.
Top-5 error from paper ~4.82%


Extremely computation efficient CNN model that is designed specifically for mobile devices. This model greatly reduces the computational cost and provides a ~13x speedup over AlexNet on ARM-based mobile devices. Compared to MobileNet, ShuffleNet achieves superior performance by a significant margin due to it's efficient structure.
Top-1 error from paper - ~32.6%


Extremely computation efficient CNN model that is designed specifically for mobile devices. This network architecture design considers direct metric such as speed, instead of indirect metric like FLOP.
Top-1 error from paper - ~30.6%


Deep CNN model (up to 8 layers) that increased the number of features that the network is capable of detecting that helps to pick image features at a finer level of resolution.
Top-5 error from paper - ~14.3%


CNN model with an order of magnitude of few computations and parameters, while still acheiving state-of-the-art accuracy and better efficiency than previous ConvNets.
Top-5 error from paper - ~2.9%


(2) 物件偵測與分割 Object Detection & Image Segmentation



Tiny YOLOv2

A real-time CNN for object detection that detects 20 different classes. A smaller version of the more complex full YOLOv2 network.


Single Stage Detector: real-time CNN for object detection that detects 80 different classes.


A variant of MobileNet that uses the Single Shot Detector (SSD) model framework. The model detects 80 different object classes and locates up to 10 objects in an image.


Increases efficiency from R-CNN by connecting a RPN with a CNN to create a single, unified network for object detection that detects 80 different classes.


A real-time neural network for object instance segmentation that detects 80 different classes. Extends Faster R-CNN as each of the 300 elected ROIs go through 3 parallel branches of the network: label prediction, bounding box prediction and mask prediction.


A real-time dense detector network for object detection that addresses class imbalance through Focal Loss. RetinaNet is able to match the speed of previous one-stage detectors and defines the state-of-the-art in two-stage detectors (surpassing R-CNN).

YOLO v2-coco

A CNN model for real-time object detection system that can detect over 9000 object categories. It uses a single network evaluation, enabling it to be more than 1000x faster than R-CNN and 100x faster than Faster R-CNN. This model is trained with COCO dataset and contains 80 classes.


A deep CNN model for real-time object detection that detects 80 different classes. A little bigger than YOLOv2 but still very fast. As accurate as SSD but 3 times faster.

Tiny YOLOv3

A smaller version of YOLOv3 model.


Optimizes the speed and accuracy of object detection. Two times faster than EfficientDet. It improves YOLOv3's AP and FPS by 10% and 12%, respectively, with mAP50 of 52.32 on the COCO 2017 dataset and FPS of 41.7 on a Tesla V100.


Deep CNN based pixel-wise semantic segmentation model with >80% mIOU (mean Intersection Over Union). Trained on cityscapes dataset, which can be effectively implemented in self driving vehicle systems.


(3) 身體 / 人臉 / 手勢分析 Body, Face & Gesture Analysis




A CNN based model for face recognition which learns discriminative features of faces and produces embeddings for input face images.


This model is a lightweight facedetection model designed for edge computing devices.

Emotion FerPlus

Deep CNN for emotion recognition trained on images of faces.



三.  ONNX 模組資源轉換

可以利用現有的 ONNX 模型將其應用至其他深度學習的框架上,比如說 ONNX 模組轉成 TensorFlow 的形式,亦或是轉成 PyTorch 形式。其好處是能透過 ONNX 達到硬體優化之外,同時亦須承擔模組轉換之損失資訊的風險,故以下提供幾個常用的轉換或應用方式。

(1) ONNX to Keras

官方資源 : https://github.com/gmalivenko/onnx2keras

代碼演示 :

import onnx
import keras
from onnx2keras import onnx_to_keras
onnx_model = onnx.load(ONNX_Model)
k_model = onnx_to_keras(onnx_model, [input_name])
keras_model = ONNX_Model[:-4] + 'h5'
keras.models.save_model(k_model, keras_model,overwrite=True,include_optimizer=True)


(2) ONNX to Caffe

官方資源 : https://github.com/onnx/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/OnnxCaffe2Import.ipynb

代碼演示 :

import numpy as np
import onnx
import caffe2.python.onnx.backend
model = onnx.load(ONNX_Model) # Load the ONNX model
image = np.random.randn(1, nChannel, width, height).astype(np.float32)
outputs = caffe2.python.onnx.backend.run_model(model, [image]) # Run the ONNX model with Caffe2


(3) ONNX to Pytorch

官方資源 : https://pythonrepo.com/repo/fumihwh-onnx-pytorch

代碼演示 :

from onnx_pytorch import code_gen
code_gen.gen(ONNX_Model, "./")


(4) ONNX to CTNK

官方資源 : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_tw/dlami/latest/devguide/tutorial-onnx-pytorch-cntk.html

代碼演示 :

import cntk as C
z = C.Function.load(ONNX_Model, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)


(5) ONNX to MXnet

官方資源 : https://github.com/onnx/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/OnnxMxnetImport.ipynb

代碼演示 :

import mxnet as mx
import mxnet.contrib.onnx as onnx_mxnet
sym, arg_params, aux_params = onnx_mxnet.import_model(ONNX_Model)
mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, data_names=[input_name], label_names=None)
mod.bind(for_training=False, data_shapes=[(input_name , input_size)])
mod.set_params(arg_params=arg_params, aux_params=aux_params, allow_missing=True, allow_extra=True)


(6) ONNX to CoreML

官方資源 : https://github.com/onnx/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/OnnxCoremlImport.ipynb

代碼演示 :

import sys
from onnx import onnx_pb
from onnx_coreml import convert
model_file = open(ONNX_Model, 'rb')
model_proto = onnx_pb.ModelProto()
coreml_model = convert(model_proto, image_input_names=[input_name], image_output_names=[output_name])
coreml_model.save( ONNX_Model[:-4] + 'mlmodel' )


(7) ONNX to TensorFlow

官方資源 : https://github.com/onnx/tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/OnnxTensorflowImport.ipynb

代碼演示 :

import onnx
from onnx_tf.backend import prepare
onnx_model = onnx.load(ONNX_Model)
tf_rep = prepare(onnx_model)
tf_rep.export_graph(ONNX_Model[:-4] + 'pb')



四. ONNX 模型結構視覺化工具

ONNX 格式提供兩種可視覺化的 API ,讓使用者可以快速檢視模型與分析模型。

Netron 快速檢視模型


支援模型格式 :

ONNX (.onnx) 、Keras ( .h5, .keras) 、TensorFlow Lite (.tflite) 、Caffe (.caffemodel) 、Darknet (.cfg) 、Core ML (.mlmodel) 、MNN (.mnn) 、MXNet (.model, -symbol.json) 、ncnn (.param) 、Caffe2 (predict_net.pb) 、PaddlePaddle (.zip, __model__) 、Barracuda (.nn) 、Tengine (.tmfile) 、TNN (.tnnproto) 、RKNN (.rknn) 、MindSpore Lite (.ms) 、UFF (.uff)

檢視模型方式 :

連結此網站 https://netron.app/ 即可 !!


檢視模型 :



五.  結語

經由上述的介紹,相信各位已經大致上了解如何取得官方所提供的現有模組資源 ONNX ,以及如何將其轉換成所需的深度學習框架的模組格式。然而,就如同上篇文章所敘述,ONNX 算是新穎的技術,在各模組轉換中難免會有失敗或是無法使用,這通常都與版本的匹配息息相關,這是須值得留意的 !! 本篇最後也介紹了極為簡單的 Netron 讓開發者可以快速地檢視模組 !! 而下一篇文章將會如何將 ONNX 模組進行優化以及推理引擎該如何應用!! 敬請期待 !!


六.  參考文件

[1] 官方網站 - ONNX
[2] 官方網站 - ONNX Tutorials
[3] 官方網站 – Netron
[4] 官方網站 – VisualDL
[5] 參考文獻 - VisualDL 工具简介

如有任何相關 ONNX 技術問題,歡迎至博文底下留言提問 !!
接下來還會分享更多 ONNX 的技術文章 !!敬請期待 【ATU Book-i.MX8 系列 - ONNX】系列 !!


