Intel ESDQ for AI Box for Video Analytics

Intel Edge Software Device Qualification (Intel ESDQ)

英特爾 邊緣軟件設備認證 (ESDQ) 軟件包隨附命令行界面 (CLI) 工具。 它使客戶能夠在目標系統上運行英特爾提供的測試套件,目的是讓合作夥伴能夠針對特定的英特爾® Edge 軟件包測試他們的平台。

For information on specific Intel® ESDQ Test Packages or to Configure & Download Intel® ESDQ Test Packages, follow the respective links below:

Intel ESDQ for AI Box for Video Analytics

Run the Application

Run the command below to install the Intel® ESDQ and test modules on the target system

Once the installation is completed, reboot the system

Run Intel® ESDQ System Info to show a snapshot of the system OS version, kernel, and hardware info such as device manufacturer

The commands below will start executing all the test modules available in the list and generate the report. 

Once the tests are completed, the intermediate artifacts are available in the esdqReport folder. 


