IEEE802.11bf Wi-Fi Sensing 概論


1. 低頻段(sub-7 GHz)
2. 高頻段(60 GHz)



Room SensingPresence detection, counting the number of people in the room
Motion detection in a roomDetection of motion of in a room (of Human)
Home securityDetection of presence of intruders in a home
Audio with user trackingTracking persons in a room and pointing the sound of an audio system at those people
Store SensingCounting number of people in a store, their location, speed of movement. Accuracy less important
Home Appliance ControlTracking person and motion/ gesture detection
Gesture recognitionIdentification of a gesture from a set of gestures
Aliveliness detectionDetermination whether a close by object is alive or not
Face/Body RecognitionSelection of the identity of a person from a set of known persons
Proximity DetectionDetection of object in close proximity of device
Home Appliance ControlGesture Detection
Health care - Fall detectionFall detection - abnormal position detection
Health case - remote diagnosticsMeasurements of breathing rate, heart rate etc.
Sneeze sensingDetecting and localizing the target human and sneeze droplet volume
In car sensingDriver sleepiness detection/detetion aid

目前已知有有幾間公司攜手與高通合作致力於開發Wi-Fi感知技術,使用Wi-Fi裝置中的CFR(Channel Frequency Response),又稱為CSI(Channel State Information),然後透過自家的專利演算法,使Wi-Fi裝置變為感測器,可用於安全監控、呼吸睡眠偵測、跌倒偵測和室內追蹤。未來標準化後,預計會有更多家公司投入,尤其是新創產業更可以致力於發展各種感知技術。

註1: 11-20-1712-02-00bf-wifi-sensing-use-cases.xlsx


